Please note that the content of the website has not bee updated for over many years. Currently the site mainly contains some of the work I did in undergrad and graduate studies. A lot of the old tutorials/notes have been moved to the Wiki.
At the register level design components such as decoders, counters, comparators, arithmetic operators, and other are used to design various digital systems. A FIFO buffer is one of the register level components, which can be used to synchronize two different timing devices. Also, it can be used to boost the signal strength of an incoming signal. FIFO buffer can be found in cache controllers, peripheral communication devices, microprocessors, and many other digital devices.
FIFO - First In First Out
Six stages or 6 registers with 8-bits - shared memory
Writing Process:
Timing Constraint: 50 ns clock cycle
The VHDL implementation of the FIFO Buffer is mainly behavioral. Behavioral in a sense that it uses processes, and the behavior of the device can be understood directly from the code. Deciding whether to write or read and setting the appropriate FIFO full or empty conditions were the "core design" issues of the implementation. Refer to the report for further details.
VHDL or (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit) Hardware Description Language is an industry standard for digital gate level circuit design. By writing code to describe the behavior of the circuit or the structure the circuit can be designed. As mentioned above, we used a behavioral implementation. THE COMPLETE CODE CAN BE FOUND IN THIS FILE fifobuffercode.html.
After properly describing the circuit in VHDL, software and hardware simulations and testing are done. The following is a one scenario tested for FIFO Buffer.
Depending on the logic cells required, and the suitability of the hardware available. For this case the EPM7128SLCS4-7 was selected.
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